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45 Degree Boss Lower Mount with Heim Joint California Sidecar & Champion

Regular price $151.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $151.00 AUD
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45-degree sidecar boss lower mount with heim joint is used with either the 90-degree adaptor or the 2" offset or a 45-degree clamp or 70-degree clamp to reach the motorcycle mount at the right angle and connect the heim joint to the lower clevis mount on the motorcycle.

Generally, it is a combination of two or three slip tube mounts that are needed to get the right wheel lead and angles to attach the heim joint to the motorcycle mount.

O.D of tube is 1-1/2". I.D. of heim joint is 5/8". NOS OEM California Sidecar part and fits Champion Sidecar frames also and other American made sidecars. Powder coat is scratched from storage.